What is Meaning of Mod Apk?

A mod apk, or modded apk, is a modified version of an Android app. Typically, mod apks are created by third-party developers who want to add or change features in the original app. These modifications could include things like new functionality, additional content, or improved performance. Mod apks are not officially sanctioned by the original…

ByteDance(Resso) Vs Spotify – Detailed Comparison Based in Features

ByteDance and Spotify are both technology companies that operate in the music and audio space. However, they have different business models and offer different services. ByteDance is a Chinese technology company that operates several popular apps, including TikTok and Douyin. TikTok is a social media app that allows users to create and share short-form videos,…

Most Favourite English Music Artists in the Last 5 Years

It’s difficult to say which music artists are the most listened to, as it can vary depending on the time period and the location. However, some of the most popular and commercially successful artists in recent years include Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, and Ariana Grande. These artists have released hit songs and albums…


SoundCloud vs Deezer: Comparing Two Music Streaming Giants

SoundCloud and Deezer are two popular music streaming platforms that cater to music lovers around the world. While SoundCloud is known for its user-generated content and independent music scene, Deezer offers a vast library of mainstream tracks and curated playlists. Both platforms have their unique features and strengths, making it essential to compare and understand…